Merry Christmas!

Howdy everyone! After a very intense 3 and a half weeks, Advent Incremental is complete! And Dec 25 released before Dec 25 (in my timezone), so I consider that a success! I wanted to let everyone know you can play the full game at and to express my gratitude towards everyone who helped.

Note: there will be some QoL changes made once I’ve cooled down a little, such as a toggle in the options to ignore date, and a little popup that’ll point you towards that setting if you open the game up when it’s not December. I don’t anticipate any more content, and definitely not a sequel - I have to get back to Kronos, after all.

I’m really really glad I started this project, even though it was on a whim. It has been an absolute blast working on so much content so quickly - I really gotta step it up a notch for Kronos haha. It’s been great working with other devs so much (shout out to @ADVENTurer - you have all been so amazing), and wow has it helped Profectus a lot - both in terms of getting fixes and improvements cherry-picked in along the way, as well as just showing the parts that are still a bit rough around the edges when it comes to a real project. Expect a massive update to Profectus soon, with some really nice new stuff like actions as a built-in feature. Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how amazing it is that a bunch of developers voluntarily signed up to help, most of them needing to learn how to use Profectus from scratch, and just jumped in making meaningful contributions immediately. I cannot sing their praises enough. Because of them, this project not only succeeded but had much larger and interesting mechanics than I could have created alone. They are the reason Advent Incremental is as good as it is. Thank you!

BTW, there’s a lot of new faces here, so for those who haven’t heard of me I’m a software engineer who really enjoys playing and making incremental games. You may have played Lit (or specifically a mod of it called Lit+) or Game Dev Tree. I’m also the creator of Profectus, a game engine that was used for Advent Incremental and is also being used for Kronos - a large incremental game I’ve been working on for awhile. Thanks for being here, and there’s some great things to look forward to!

Also, I’m curious to know, what was your favorite part of the game? We roughly associated each row as an arc, like so:

  • Row 1: Raw Materials
  • Row 2 and 3: Processed Materials
  • Row 4: Decorations
  • Row 5: Toys
  • Row 6: Preparing for the trip


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Dec 08, 2022

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